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How To Build A Lead Scoring Program [Infographic]

 - May 21, 2016

If you’re marketing B2B, you’ve probably at least thought about scoring leads. After all, according to Lattice Engines, 44% of B2B marketers practice lead scoring in one way or another.

If you’re part of that 44%, you know that lead scoring is not always so easy. Buyers are complex – with different needs, interests, timelines, and buying styles. A strong lead scoring program must incorporate as many of these factors as possible to produce a robust profile of your prospect.

One of the best ways to build that profile is by using content that differentiates buyers for you. What kind of content can do that, you ask? Interactive content, we reply.

Interactive content like surveys, assessments, calculators, and personality tests allows you to ask clear questions and get straightforward answers directly from your prospects. Those answers can then be piped seamlessly into your marketing automation system, appended to the lead record, and incorporated into your lead scoring rubric.

Think it might be time to dive a little deeper into your lead generation program? Check out the infographic below for a sample lead scoring rubric, pointers on how to hand off leads to sales, and suggestions for incorporating interactive content to build a more complete buyer profile.

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