Shared Plus
For shared desk members looking to merge their love of open spaces with their occasional need for enclosed ones
Shared Plus: the fast pass to private offices
The Shared Desk has always been the most quintessential coworking membership in the industry. It’s beloved for its flexibility, convenience, open-air glory, and of course: affordability. But no matter how free range our Shared Desk members may be, we all could use a private office every now and then, whether for deeper focus, further distancing, or creative brainstorming. Enter: Shared Plus.

Price + Perks
Shared Plus is everything you know and love about the Shared Desk, but with the ability to access vacant private offices across the Common Desk network on a first-come-first-serve basis. Rather than paying for a private office or exclusively working from home, Shared Plus members simply pay $100 extra each month, which gives them access to a furnished private office when they feel like they need it. Whether you’re already a Shared Desk member looking to upgrade, or you’re someone looking for a stepping stone between a coworking and office membership, Shared Plus just might be the solution you’ve been needing.
Price: $399/month
- access to all Common Desk shared workspaces
- ability to bring guests to offices for $25/day (standard shared day pass rate)
- ability to reserve private offices (as available) weekdays from 8am-5pm
Why choose one when you can have both?
Use your Shared Plus membership to float freely from our open-air spaces to get the coffee shop vibe or reserve a private office for heads-down focus.
Shared Plus FAQs
Here’s the DL on the specifics of our newest version of a shared membership.
What am I committing to?
Is parking free?
Can I bring guests?
Does my office access work freely between Common Desk locations?
Am I guaranteed access to a private office whenever I want it?
Do I need to clean the office before I leave?
Can I call to reserve an office ahead of time?
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