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Strategies for personal and professional success in the New Year

 - December 31, 2024

The end of the year always brings up a variety of feelings. For some, 2024 was the best year of their personal and professional lives, while others might want to leave it behind. You may feel invigorated by the blank canvas of the new year, while your colleague may find it daunting to approach. No matter where you fall on the spectrum, one thing is true: we all want to be happy, healthy, and successful in the approaching year, and that takes intention and thought to achieve.

Today, New year’s resolutions tend to get a bad rep, but not without cause. Did you know that nearly 80% of resolutions made fall apart by February? With such low success rates, it’s no surprise people aren’t eager to make them. However, most people don’t acknowledge why they fail. Resolutions tend to get derailed by whims of grandeur. From unrealistic expectations of what’s required, to reliance on feelings of motivation, and a failure to clearly define goals and execute a strategy for achieving them, most people abandon their plans as soon as pressure is applied to them.

That said, we’re not anti-resolutions. In fact, we love goals and believe the new year is a prime opportunity to get closer to important milestones in your life. It’s the method for achieving them that needs an upgrade. In this blog, we’re sharing tips and strategies to help you start 2025 off on the right foot. Once you’re through the holiday madness, you’ll be ready to hit the ground running with a game plan to help your goals stick.

Reflect on the past year

First and foremost, you can’t begin a journey if you don’t know where you are. Before you start logging your ideas, take a moment to look back on 2024. What worked well? What hindered your progress? Did you have enough support, both professionally and personally? Perhaps a specific client call, conference, or interaction with a trusted mentor sent you down an integral path for your development. How about outside the office? Did you find a new hobby you want to give more time to in 2025? Evaluating the factors contributing to your present circumstance will give you an understanding of how to proceed. Some methods for organizing your thoughts include practices like bullet journaling, morning pages, breathwork, and meditation.

Define success for YOU

There’s no formula for success because everybody measures it differently. In decades past, the American Dream dominated the ideals of professionals across the nation, and while there’s nothing wrong with classic norms, what it means to succeed professionally and personally looks different today based on individual value systems. For example, someone’s definition of success may revolve around activities outside the workplace, while others exist solely within the 9-5 system and climbing corporate ladders. No one can determine what success looks in your life other than you! Before setting your focus for 2025, ask yourself if the ideas of success you have reflect you or if they’ve been influenced by greater conversations circulating in culture. 


As mentioned earlier, resolutions are lost due to muddy expectations and failure to follow through. With so many distractions vying for attention, most of us need practical, simple steps to follow to make milestones happen. Luckily, SMART goals exist! You might be familiar with this process, but if not, let’s look closer. Created by George T. Doran, a consultant and corporate planner in 1981, SMART goals were Doran’s solution for businesses whose goals and bandwidth were spread too far to make an impact. Doran’s theory is that goals aren’t amorphous blobs one hopes will happen. Instead, his guide argued that goals are attainable and measurable. Today, companies and teams around the world utilize this strategy for taking small steps to make big changes. As you plan what you want to achieve this year, consider implementing the 5-step process to help you. Check out the steps below. 

  • Specific: Your goal is real and tangible. Others can easily identify what it is you want to complete. 
  • Measurable: Your goal can be assessed and measured. Whether through units of time, frequency, or some other value,  everybody can easily identify its progression. 
  • Achievable: Your goal may stretch you (which is ideal for growth), but it’s not impossible. The resources at your disposal should help you attain your goal. 
  • Relevant: Your goal supports the greater themes and focuses of your life or job. For example, running a 5K supports your greater goal of being more active, or gaining a new client a month supports your greater goal of running a lucrative freelance business. 
  • Timely: Your goal has an end or completion date attached to it. Ideally, your goal should include points of progress on the way to completion that you can mark off to keep you on track.

Prioritize health and wellness

Burnout is a real threat to professionals across industries. No matter what your role responsibilities require, everyone needs time to recuperate and harness inspiration and motivation. In today’s professional climate, people everywhere are finding themselves beyond weary amidst workplace loneliness and office pressures. If there’s one thing NOT to compromise on, it’s your health and well-being. Many of us get so absorbed in our daily responsibilities, whether by our enthusiasm or need to fulfill them, that we neglect to care for ourselves. Remember, health is wealth and the healthier you are, the more capable you are to fulfill your obligations and tackle your dreams.

However, health and wellness are unique to each person. What works for others may not work for you, but discovering the activities that bring you fulfillment and rest is a fun, adventurous process. Key categories to keep in mind when prioritizing your health include daily movement, mental and emotional health, nutrition, and your work-life balance.

How coworking keeps you healthy

Common Desk has your back! We’re in the business of building professional, flexible communities, but our spaces are packed with amenities made to keep you balanced. Did you know that many of our locations have state-of-the-art fitness centers? With monthly memberships or private office and suite leases, Common Desk members can access all the equipment necessary to prioritize their well-being every day of the workweek.

When addressing mental and emotional balance, Common Desk doesn’t fall short. All of our locations come with bookable Wellness Rooms. The Wellness Room is a quiet, serene space that’s perfect for re-centering in the middle of hectic workdays. Whether you need to gather your thoughts for your next meeting or want to take a quick cat nap (we won’t tell anyone), the Wellness Room is the ideal perk for mentally fatigued professionals. Not to mention, most locations offer monthly gatherings around the topics of wellness and mental health.

Lastly, we all need each other and the biggest benefit of coworking is community. It’s Common Desk’s mission to provide uplifting, professional workplaces for business people across all industries. From engaging weekly events and happy hour, to an open web of locations, and perks like large meeting rooms, updated office equipment, and affordable memberships, Common Desk’s offerings put professionals looking for like-minded communities right at home.

Cheers to 2025! To learn how Common Desk can take your career to the next level, book a tour at any of our locations here.

Jessica Madden

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